
 November 17th we are going to squeeze in one last campout in before the end of the year!

Friday, November 17th

Meet at the church at 3pm

They will be going to Bear Canyon Lake and trying out their fishing skills, since they didn't get to last time.

They will return by 1pm on Saturday

It will be super COLD! 

Please come prepared with a warm sleeping bag. We will be providing dinner, breakfast, and a sack lunch.

If you have any personal concerns, please reach out to Brother Garling.

Pack as if you were going sledding for outerwear.

Snow pants, boots, gloves, and wool socks. It will make it a really fun experience!

Andre Sandoval's Baptism
this Saturday, November 11th
at our building.

Tithing Declaration is happening every Sunday- Please sign up by Bishop's office.

Please make sure your information is updated in tools-add your pictures! Contact Duane Hensley if anything is incorrect or send it to Sis. VanWinkle (I'm trying to get a list together.)

Relief Society and Elder's Quorum Lesson Schedule:

Save the Date!

Choir Practice will before church at 8:30am before the performance this coming Sunday.

November 19 at 6pm

December 3rd-6pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

December 8th- Ward Christmas Party🎄

Volunteers Needed: If you are available on Wednesdays, they need help at the Bishop's Storehouse/Home Storage Center. Please reach out to Brother Baldwin for more information.

Babysitter Wanted/Needed

"Hi! Craig and I are hoping to pay someone to watch our kids for a few hours a week on a regular basis. 

We’d love someone from the ward, and it can be during the day or after school if there is a sweet teenager/preteen who would want to spend time as a helper (we will have one of us home). 

If anyone is interested or knows anybody who would be, please let me know! (480)-369-8099"

(Rachel and Craig Channell)

  Relief Society Sisters:

To find your ministering sisters on tools:

Search your name on the directory, then where it says contact, household, and membership, it scrolls all the way to the right. Then you click on "ministering". It will show you who ministers to you as well as who you minister to.


Hello Friends! Another reminder for your calendars! This month, the White Mountain Stake will be hosting a temple trip for our monthly Fellowship Activity to the SnowflakeTemple! We hold a Fellowship Activity on the 3rd Thursday of every month. October 19th this month. We have spots reserved for the 6:30pm endowment session. You can call the temple and use one of our spots, under Jeff Robinson, or make your own appointment. Let us know if you would like to get together before or after the session for more Fellowship! Hope to see you on the 19th as we grow our eternal family! ❤️

Hello Friends! Next Wednesday, October 18th, will be the inaugural Game Night hosted by John Kennerson at his home, located at 4565 Lake Lane, Lakeside, AZ 85929. Gaming starts at 5:30 pm and will conclude around 8:30 to 9:00. John is providing the space and games. Please bring snacks to share. Questions? Call/text John at 719-318-3601 or DM one of us here on Facebook. Looking forward to a fantastic evening!

-Brother Jeff Robinson

  • OCT 12 AT 3 PM – OCT 15 AT 6 PM MST

    2023 Albuquerque LDS Mid-Singles' Conference

    1100 Montano Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107, United States

Join the “LDS Singles 31+ of the White Mountains” Facebook page for information on Single Adult
31+ activities in the area or contact your ward or stake rep.

Think celestial!

"When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial! When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies prematurely, think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial!

As you focus on thinking celestial, expect to encounter opposition."

Study Helper

Pick a Christlike attribute

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ: Faith in Christ means “that you trust Him and are confident that He loves you. Faith leads to action, including repentance, obedience, and dedicated service.”
  2. Hope: Hope is “an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance.”
  3. Charity and Love: Charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47Links to an external site.). It includes “God’s eternal love for all His children...When you are filled with charity, you obey god’s commandments and do all you can to serve others.”
  4. Virtue: Virtue is “a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral originates in your innermost thoughts and desires….What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue.”
  5. Knowledge: We have been commanded to “Seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118Links to an external site.). “Think about how you can apply gospel principles in your life. As you study diligently, prayerfully, and with pure intent, the Holy Ghost will enlighten your mind, teach you, and help you understand the meaning of scriptures and the teachings of living prophets.”
  6. PatiencePatience is “the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious. It is the ability to do God’s will and accept His timing. When you are patient you hold up under pressure and are able to face adversity calmly and hopefully.”
  7. Humility: Humility is “willingness to submit to the will of the Lord and give the Lord the honor for what is accomplished. It includes gratitude for His blessings and acknowledgement of your constant need for His divine help….Humility is a sign of spiritual strength.” 
  8. Obedience: Obedience is “to keep the commandments willingly….[it is] the first law of heaven. It is an act of faith….As you obey, you increase in faith, knowledge, wisdom, testimony, protection, and freedom.”

If you can't decide, pray to know what you should work on. 

Now that you have chosen an attribute to work on, define it. Look it up and write down what it is to you. Do you have questions about the attribute? Make a specific goal for that attribute to do more of something or less of something. Remember to be specific. Pray for the Lord to help you develop this attribute in your life. 
Now, search for and study talks regarding it.
Write things down you notice in your journal. 
Watch and pay attention to how Christ is helping you to be better each day! 

Write our Missionaries!!!

Sister Jocelyn Hatch

Colorado Denver North Mission

1250 Main St.

Broomfield, CO 80020

Elder Caleb Johnson

House 2B, Street 222, Off Norodom Blvd

PO Box 165

Phnom Penh


Elder Garrett Flake

Don't have his address YET! 👌

If you need anything on the announcements, send them to Sarah VanWinkle


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