

 Schoen's Ward Sacrament Meeting

Presiding-Bishop Flake

Conducting- Bishop Flake

Organist- Sister Kanani Tenney

Chorister-Brother Mack Tenney

🎶Opening Hymn.............#84
     "Faith of Our Fathers"

Invocation.......................................John Breedlove

🎶Sacrament Hymn....................................#194
"There Is a Green Hill Far Way"

Speaker.............................................Abbie Anderson

Choir Number: "Our Prayer To Thee"
Music: Mack Wilberg
Director: Connie Weatherford
Accompanist: Lexi Hatch 

Speaker...............................................Elizabeth Bauman
Speaker...............................................Brooke Anderson

🎶Closing Hymn....................................#107
          "Lord, Accept Our True Devotion"

Benediction...................................Tracy Breedlove

Tithing Declaration is happening every Sunday- Please sign up by Bishop's office.

Young Men's Campout

Friday, November 17th
Meet at the church at 3pm

They will be going to Bear Canyon Lake and trying out their fishing skills, since they didn't get to last time.

They will return by 1pm on Saturday

It will be super COLD! 

Please come prepared with a warm sleeping bag. We will be providing dinner, breakfast, and a sack lunch.

If you have any personal concerns, please reach out to Brother Garling.

Pack as if you were going sledding for outerwear.

Snow pants, boots, gloves, and wool socks. It will make it a really fun experience!

Relief Society and Elder's Quorum Lesson Schedule:

Save the Date!

Choir Practice before the block, at 8:30am (performing today the 12th)

If you missed the Church Music Festival that happened last night, it was recorded and you can view it in the Gospel Library, the Sacred Music app, and Gospel Media. In the Gospel library, touch music, then it will say "Church Music Festival." The 2023 one might not be on there yet, but it will be soon!

November 14th 4pm- Girls Activity Days at Sister Swihart's Home

November 19 at 6pm

December 3rd-6pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

December 8th- Ward Christmas Party🎄

Volunteers Needed: If you are available on Wednesdays, they need help at the Bishop's Storehouse/Home Storage Center. Please reach out to Brother Baldwin for more information.

Babysitter Wanted/Needed

"Hi! Craig and I are hoping to pay someone to watch our kids for a few hours a week on a regular basis. 

We’d love someone from the ward, and it can be during the day or after school if there is a sweet teenager/preteen who would want to spend time as a helper (we will have one of us home). 

If anyone is interested or knows anybody who would be, please let me know! (480)-369-8099"

(Rachel and Craig Channell)

  Relief Society Sisters:

Click link above to listen to Sister Dew's talk from
BYU Women's Conference.


Hello Friends! Just a quick reminder about the White Mountain Stake's activities for the month of November:
11/13 FHE at the Stake Center - 6pm
11/16 Friends-giving at the Stake Center - 6pm
11/27 FHE at the Stake Center - 6pm
We also have an informal gaming group on Wednesday nights, starts at 5:30pm.
Show Low Stake has a Fellowship Activity on 11/18 at the Show Low Downtown Chapel. (More information to follow...)
Hope everyone is doing well! Let me know if we can do anything for you! Much love from the White Mountain Stake! ❤️

Join the “LDS Singles 31+ of the White Mountains” Facebook page for information on Single Adult
31+ activities in the area or contact your ward or stake rep.

Write our Missionaries!!!

Sister Jocelyn Hatch

Colorado Denver North Mission

1250 Main St.

Broomfield, CO 80020

Elder Caleb Johnson

House 2B, Street 222, Off Norodom Blvd

PO Box 165

Phnom Penh


Elder Garrett Flake

Don't have his address YET! 👌

If you need anything on the announcements, send them to Sarah VanWinkle


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