

       Schoen's Ward Sacrament Meeting 

May 12th, 2024

Presiding: Bishop Flake
Conducting: Bishop Flake
Pianist: Kanani Tenney
Chorister: Mack Tenney

Opening Hymn: "From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise" #297

Invocation: David Lewis

Sacrament Hymn: "Gently Raise the Sacred Strain" #146

Passing of the Sacrament

Speaker: Bud Isaacs

Special Musical Number: "Mother I Love You"
Sung By: Aspen Hatch, Hannah Swihart, Leighton VanWinkle, Lacy VanWinkle, Kylia Lucas, and Rosalie Lucas
Accompanist: Lexie Hatch

Speaker: Rex Whiting

Closing Hymn: "I Am a Child of God" #301

Benediction: Cher Lewis


⭐As part of the self-reliance initiative, the Schoens Ward will be starting classes on emotional resilience. Sister Rachel Channell will be facilitating these trainings. Please text her if you would like to join the class list at (480) 369 8099. 

In the emotional resilience course, a small group of individuals work to become more emotionally resilient as they live gospel principles and learn practical skills. There are 10 chapters of the manual we will be working through together.

Everyone is welcome to join, and we recommend that individuals commit to joining for the whole training. ⭐

Volunteers Needed: If you are available on Wednesdays, they need help at the Bishop's Storehouse/Home Storage Center. Please reach out to Brother Baldwin for more information.

Upcoming events

May 19th- Seminary Graduation 6:30-7:30 p.m.

*Stake Temple Recommend Interviews are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month starting at 5:00 p.m.

Relief Society & Elders Quorum Lesson Schedule 

12th-Elder Dushku, “Pillars and Rays
26th-Elder Gong, “All Things for Your Good

9th-President Oaks, “Covenants and Responsibilities
23rd-President Nelsen, “Rejoice in the Gift of the Priesthood Keys

Single Adult 31+

Join the “LDS Singles 31+ of the White Mountains” Facebook page for information on Single Adult
31+ activities in the area or contact your ward or stake rep.

Write our Missionaries

Sister Jocelyn Hatch
Colorado Denver North Mission
1250 Main St.
Broomfield, CO 80020

Elder Garrett Flake

Mision Mexico Ciudad De Mexico Este
Av. 510 #90, Col San Juan de Aragon 
Del Gustavo A. Madero 
CDMX 07950 Mexico

Elder and Sister Pember
Africa South Area Office
50 East North Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 85150
United States

Sister Jessalyn Isaacs
1655 N Grandview Lane
Suite 202
Bismarck, ND 58503


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