

Announcement: Choir practice will be held, immediately following the block, in the Relief Society room. We are preparing a special number for our ward conference in March. We are grateful to be able to gather once again, as a ward choir, to raise our voices in song and praise to Our Father in Heaven. We appreciate all who were able to sing in the choir on Christmas Day--it was beautiful! You will be blessed in many ways!

Here is the link to the talk for tomorrows lesson. Drawing Closer to the Savior by Elder Neil L. Andersen

Attention-If you know of a one bedroom/bath to rent for an older sister(just her, no pets), please contact Sister Stewart or Sister Neff.

Here is the link for the RELIEF SOCIETY questionnaire, if you haven't filled it out. We'd love it if you would! Thanks!   Click here --->Relief Society Questionnaire

There are a lot of dates on the announcements to take note of.

If I forgot anything, please forgive me and remind me.

Talk for February 12th lesson, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/10/44sitati?lang=eng


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