
Showing posts from February, 2023

Stake Conference Weekend Feb. 25th&26th

  Also, note there was a date change for the Stake Women's Conference. Mark your calendars! It is now on  Saturday, the 29th of April from 11am-1 We will also be making a quilt as a Relief Society. (Each ward has been asked to bring one to display at the Stake Women's Conference) They will all be donated to the Church Humanitarian Center.  Dates for quilting nights or days will be coming soon! Thanks! Send me a text or email if you need anything on the   announcements ! 

2/19/23 Program and Announcements

  Sisters, everyone got new ministering assignments. You can view them on tools or if you do not know where to find it, message anyone in the presidency and we will send it to you.  Relief Society Activity THIS coming Thursday! Come have a great time!

February 12, 2023 Program/Announcements

Here is the link for today's lesson- Patterns of Discipleship

February 5th Program
